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Saturday, August 3, 2013


Since I saw this on an ads of Italian restaurant, I've been "obsessed" with it..  so I tried to cook it, with different veggies and rub on my salmons..  today I made it again, this time I rubbed my salmon fillet with my new found favorite rub, salt and sugar only.. I tried it before for my smoked salmon, it was so good and I fell in love with it..

Summertime in AZ is so hot, esp now, with the monsoon and storm, the humidity is very high... it causes a small change of our daily meals... I don;t really like to spend too much time in my kitchen, tried to avoid baking or long cooking.. so mostly I cook easy and light meals.. and oh.. no mood to write new recipes too 

Now I'm going to share this recipe, mainly for my own future reference.. 

What we need:
- salmon fillet ( about 12 oz), scaled and boneless, I like the skin on
- 1 tsp of salt and 2 tsp of sugar, mix well
- any kind of veggies.. this time I used Napa Cabbage, spinach, onion, red bell pepper and green onion
- 2 pieces of parchment papers

- wash and clean the fillet, pat dry
- cut salmon in 2 pieces 
- generously rubbed the salt mixture on the salmon
- let it sit  for 1 hour in the fridge, I covered it with plastic wrap
- after 1 hour, rub off the excess salt mixture.. rinse in a running water if needed, then pat dry
- arrange the veggies on a piece of parchment paper
- place salmon on top veggies
- sprinkle with a bit  of oil
- fold and secure both ends of the papers
- bake in a preheated 350'F oven, for 20 to 25 minutes 
- take it out, let it sit for 5 minutes, then carefully unfold the pouches, beware of the hot steam 
- ready to be served.. I served it with couscous.. it was so good 

here are some pictures of my pouch salmon, seasoned with lemon juice, salt, pepper and garlic and baked with various vegetables.. my favorite way to cook salmon for now.. I might try it with chicken fillets too.. 

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